A dental implant is a titanium post (like a tooth root) that is surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line that allows your dentist to mount replacement teeth or a bridge into that area. An implant doesn’t come loose like a denture can. Dental implants also benefit general oral health because they do not have to be anchored to other teeth, like bridges.

Is it successful?

Using only high-quality dental implants, which have a high quality documented research and development for 30 years, a survival rate of 95 to 100% for different treatment methods is achievable.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Quality of life may be improved due to improvement in function and aesthetics due to the higher degree of predictability when compared with more conventional forms of treatment.

Is it painful?

Implants are generally placed under local anesthetic and we work closely with our patients to ensure no discomfort is felt during the placement of dental implants. Post-operatively we supply analgesics, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics to ensure the comfort of our patients. Our experience is that discomfort is minimal and 80% of our patients stop taking analgesics after a day or so.

Will I be left without teeth during treatment?

We appreciate that having a gap can be embarrassing and we shall do our utmost to prevent this, but there may be occasions, when, to improve the prognosis you may be asked not be wear an appliance for as limited period as possible.

How long does the treatment take?

Routinely this is about 12 weeks, but may be longer due to insufficient quality or volume of bone. Following surgery, a treatment time schedule will be outlined.

Will it look artificial?

Working with our technician, who is highly skilled in the art and science of aesthetic management, natural looking teeth will be re-established on a solid implant foundation.

Am I too old?

No. Anyone who is medically fit enough can have dental implants provided there is sufficient bone. If the bone volume is inadequate additional bone may be grafted.

Will I need to do anything before OR after?

In an aid to ensure long term success and as a part of our consultation procedure we will need to ensure that the remaining teeth and supporting tissues of bone and gums are healthy and will be monitored regularly after placement of implant with regular check ups with your dentists and hygienist. Clinical studies have shown that yearly reviews with your implantologist aids in the long term prognosis.

Is it expensive?

In comparison to conventional modalities of treatment such as crowning, bridging and dentures, implants may seem expensive, but when the biological cost of cutting healthy teeth and improvement in quality of life in having a stable denture is measured together with Implants having the greatest success rates of all forms of restorative dental treatment the relative additional expense may not be significant. See Implant fee section.

dental implant video